The need for revolutionary vision and change

The need for revolutionary vision and change

Green Charter RCM

If we agree that we are not free and what we require is freedom, if we agree that the dictatorial instruments of governing, their structures, mechanisms and tools are contrary to freedom and justice, then we have realized that change is needed.

Once we agree that change is needed, revolutionary complete change in all the political, economic and social relations making up the existing unjust system of slavery, then we should also have a clear vision of the new relationships we want to build.

Those new relationships between things will define the new society that we wish to see. We therefore should have a clear vision of what the new free and just society looks like. We should have a clear understanding of the new relations that make up that society.

In other words, we must have a clear vision of where we want to go and understanding of what is wrong with the current system. We must not only comprehend the unjust relations of the existing system, but also have a clear vision of the new just society.

We can liken this to being in one environment that is dangerous to our health, safety, our well-being, where we are not free, and we now require a vehicle to move to a new area that is beneficial to our health, safety and well-being. What would we need?

  • Awareness: that the environment which we are currently in is damaging to us
  • Desire: we would need the desire to extricate ourselves from the situation
  • Vision: a clear idea of what the new destination looks like
  • Map: a clear guide of how to reach the new destination
  • Vehicle: a vehicle which we can use to reach the new destination

If we equate this to a situation that is easy to imagine, being broken down in one place, in which we cannot survive, with some family and friends our existing vehicle has run out of gas, and been repossessed by those we had wrongly trusted to take care of the vehicle, our safety and well-being. We are now left stranded.

With our lives under threat since there is no clean water, sufficient food, nor shelter, and the environment is hostile, our small group thus gathers to discuss our plight. In which direction should we move? Where is that new destination? What does it look like, why is it the right destination and not some other? How do we get there?

So, what would the answers to these questions be?

It becomes clear that it is not enough to simply be aware of our situation, we also have to do something about it. It is also clear that in doing something, we should not waste precious time, nor should we head off in some random, most likely wrong direction.

It is also evident that we need the right map and accurate compass to move to that new destination; and the right vehicle, under our own possession that cannot be taken from us half way unlike the previous one that we did not own but had entrusted others.

If those friends and family in this stranded group do not have among them one or more who have the answers to all these questions then it is also clear that their future is perilous and far from guaranteed. They may disagree and head in different directions.

Some may remain, too weak or afraid to move. Others split into groups or individually. Obviously this is not the ideal and the most unlikely to succeed given the hostile environment, the dangers ahead and the lack of agreed destination.

Everything must be very clear as to the "what and why" until we move to the "how, when and where" of the actual solutions to our problems. We cannot stumble nor can we rush without certainty of conviction, surety of our action on which our future rests.

Let us therefore once again remind ourselves of the 5 requirements above mentioned, which are prerequisites to solving our problem: awareness, desire, vision, map, vehicle:


  • The current swamp from which we must extract ourselves is due to our lack of power: our lack of knowledge and our lack of possession of power, the means to apply that knowledge, taking responsibility for our action. We had entrusted responsibility to others, to take care of us: whether lawyers, politicians, police, hospitals, technology, government, banks, media, and yet, we owned none of them, we controlled none of them, and we did not understand them. Like a goat that is fed by its owner with a view to future slaughter for meet, unaware of its fate, it happily consumes the feed, which is also laced with chemicals deemed beneficial to the farmer rather than the goat or the sheep. Guarded by dogs, the order followers of the farmer, who themselves also view only their selfish interest to be fed and rewarded but ultimately discarded for a more efficient robot in future. Had we been aware of all this, we would have remained roaming free with our family and taking care of our own food, shelter and security rather than being convinced, in exchange for pieces of paper, digital codes and empty promises, entrusting our lives to others. We would not have hired or purchased a vehicle we did not build, could not understand nor repair, did not own due to some hidden clause and small number stamped on the engine, and which was faulty in many respects. We'd rather have stayed on our horses and remained free and independent.


  • The perceived need to extricate from the situation, the desire and free will to do so, the energy and capacity, the motivation, none of this is present among those who are merely content to consume whatever is thrown at them, and to continue to obey each new order, endure each new humiliation, suffer each new abuse, not care about life neither in the past, the present nor the future, and remain in slavery, be boiled like the frog that was lulled to sleep in the warm water, now unable to escape. Most will be unaware of their reality, but those that are, must also have the desire to do something about it. For without this there is no action.


  • A vision would be useless without the previous two requirements: a heightened awareness of the situation which includes the analysis of what it wrong with it, so that it is not a question of returning to it, or a previous version of it, but of the need to change it, and without having the desire to take action, rather than continue to trust others to do so. Without that responsibility to take matters into our own hands, and a sufficient comprehension of all that is wrong with the existing situation, a vision would have little purpose other than to be a dream which cannot be fulfilled, because it will remain illusive, as one will repeat the same mistakes of the past: neglecting the responsibility to exercise power directly and collectively, as the sound basis for safeguarding rights and freedoms. However, if that awareness is clear, and the motivations are sound, rather than mere selfish attempts at survival, then the vision becomes a necessity to gather with others of that same vision and to work individually and collectively toward achieving the reality of that vision. That vision will then inflame the passions and motivate us toward action to attain it.


  • Continuing with our analogy and example: if we have the clear understanding of the reality of the current situation and the need to extricate ourselves from it, and we also have the desire motivated by good intentions, and we have the clear vision that will ensure that our actions are as seeds planted on fertile ground rather than cast into random infertile grounds on which they will not bear fruit, then we will now require a clear map of how we will get from the current situational awareness to the desired vision outcome: this map should contain warnings of pitfalls along the way, the clear direction in which we must navigate, and the various routes to get there, as well as those roads that do not lead to the intended destination. Possessing that map in itself will not be sufficient, naturally, we must be able to read it, and we must use it. Otherwise we will have little or no chance of reaching the desired destination, the more so, if it is far from where we are now, and the journey would be perilous. However, if we possess the aforementioned requirements and abilities, then this journey can instead become very swift and easy: just as the heaviest of burdens become as light as a feather when carried by many, having the clear map and navigating according to it, will bring the desired result. As to the time taken to arrive from our current predicament to the new free and just society, from the current location to the desired vision becoming a reality, that time is determined primarily by two factors in addition to the correct map and its reading, namely, the effort put into achieving the goal, and the vehicle used to get there.


  • We can again liken this to an analogy in our above example: if we use a bicycle, then we require 10 bicycles for all friends and family thus stranded, and it will take us a long time, depending upon the effort we exert on the peddles, the number of breaks we take, and also in following the speed of the weakest among us so as not to lose them. Or, we get into a Ferrari racing car, with everyone cramped in, and without experience of the power of the engine, we race off at top speed and inevitably crash, never reaching the destination. Or, we use the best possible vehicle for our situation, one that has ample space, does not require stops along the way, in which there is sustenance and facilities, and where several are capable of driving so that shifts are taken in turn as required. It also has the maximum safe speed, and all manner of safety features, so that we can go at the maximum possible speed with the sufficient amount of safety in balance with the benefits. If we use such as vehicle, naturally it would be the best choice. We must therefore not only have a sound and correct understanding, awareness of our current situation, the desire and motivation to get out of it, and the vision on where to go, and the map on how to get there, but also the right vehicle.

We can say with the conviction of experience, scientific fact, historical certainty and sound basis rooted in reality that the best awareness, the pure motivation, the sound vision, the right map, and the correct vehicle are all manifested in the truth of the Third Universal Theory. To make it clear once again, let us summarize the various components in the five above mentioned prerequisites for solving our problem, this time equating each component to each part of the journey to its solution, before we go into further details:

  • Best Awareness: The Green Book which presents the Third Universal Theory as the practical application to solving the above problems, explains with clear examples, what is wrong with the current "democracy" and the exploitation in economic relations, and clearly defines the new relationships within the new free society.
  • Pure Desire: This comes down to individual motivation but is also fueled by the motivation and passion of others, who have discovered the sound basis and are able to explain it to others thus raising consciousness and therefore also desire to act. This is the role of Revolutionary Committees, guided by the map and the vision.
  • Sound Vision: This vision is clearly presented by the "Jamahiriya", the "Freepublic" in which people possess the power, wealth and arms, and is encapsulated in the human rights and freedoms of the International Green Charter. Knowing that this vision is possible to put into reality and keeping it in mind, increases the desire.
  • Right Map: The map contains the clear reference points from The Green Book and has also been collectively drafted by the visionaries, who have clearly understood in theory and practice, the current realities and the new just, free and happy society and how to get there. There is a library of references with more being added.
  • Correct Vehicle: The correct vehicles to reach the Freepublic in the shortest possible time and with the least mistakes and the greatest security, are the revolutionary committees. The library of references contains much information in this regard, so as to have the best understanding 0f how to achieve the best results.

For those that have preconceived and firmly held ideologies, it can be hard to discard those parts that were found lacking, and it can be hard to accept those solutions that are new and unfamiliar, or did not use the particular language used hitherto. To aid in the understanding of those new concepts and the definitions to describe what has been concealed from view by those with a vested interested in the status quo, a Glossary of Terms is also available in the library of references and commentaries on The Green Book and the Third Universal Theory.

Those who are of pure motivation for the good of humanity, also not naive as to the dangers presented by the forces resistant to the new free and happy Freepublic built on sound principles and healthy natural relations, and who wish to be part of the movement of history in calling for, working toward and achieving the rights and freedoms that can only be guaranteed in a Jamahiriya (Freepublic), will join the green march with all other freedom-loving people on the journey to the Universal Jamahiriya.

To continue that journey and understand why the solutions are offered and how they apply to awareness of the current situation, the need to move, the clear destination, the comprehensive map and the right vehicle, please study further details by reading and adding to the publications available in the references and information sources below.

Engage with others in this study, for "two half brains are better than one", and "three half brains are even more better than one": we have varying perspectives, insight, experiences and knowledge that is best put together in a small group or study circle.

Resist temptations to find holes in a theory that is actually universal truth, but is new to the receiver, and cast out any previously held assumptions or convictions, for the purpose of this study. Seek instead confirmations of it, as a guide to the method of collective study. No theory can be understood unless studied on the basis of the theory itself, once it is understood, its practical applications become evident, and the source for further discussion and practical programs and plans.

When reading is done in a study circle, taking turns and with pauses to reflect, add insights, the benefit is greatest: it is not read, mostly forgotten, and discarded but instead absorbed and takes on life, with the regular study circle gatherings, which eventually will result in the formation of a revolutionary committee with the aims as defined in the publications on the tasks, methods, attributes and mission of the revolutionary committees movement.

These circles can be opened up to others by invitation to Green Book Study Groups, so as to bring greater awareness to others of the definitive solutions offered to the problems facing humanity. Evidently the current methods which lack vision and sound basis lead to mere attempts that consume energy, cost lives and waste time, such as petitions, demonstrations, and marches without any clear goal and how to arrive there.

Without waiting for others to mislead or do for us, we can devote time and effort to building those new relations, hastening the collapse of the dictatorial instruments of governing, forming open or secret revolutionary committees guided by The Green Book and define our work programs to hasten the establishment of the new Freepublic based firmly on the people's authority of people's conferences and people's committees.


Uncensored Library of References, Commentaries and Articles published by the International Scientific Committee of the World Center for the Studies and Research of The Green Book and the Third Universal Theory are at

Green Charter Revolutionary Committees Movement channel on Telegram:

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