What is the Third Universal Theory and what problems does it solve?

What is the Third Universal Theory and what problems does it solve?

Green Charter RCM

We first find the Third Universal Theory mentioned in The Green Book:

THE GREEN BOOK guides the masses to an unprecedented practical system of direct democracy. No two intelligent people can dispute the fact that direct democracy is the ideal, but until now no practical method for its implementation has been devised. The Third Universal Theory , however, now provides us with a practical approach to direct democracy. The problem of democracy in the world will finally be solved. All that is left before the masses now is the struggle to eliminate all prevailing forms of dictatorial governments, be they parliament, sect, tribe, class, one-party system, two-party system or multi-party system, which falsely call themselves democracies. 

and again later in "The Press" section of part one of The Green Book:

What is known as the problem of the freedom of the press in the world will be radically and democratically solved. Because it is by-product of the problem of democracy generally, the problem of freedom of the press cannot be solved independently of that of democracy in society as a whole. Therefore, the only solution to the persistent problem of democracy is through The Third Universal Theory . 
According to this theory, the democratic system is a cohesive structure whose foundations are firmly laid on Basic Popular Conferences and People's Committees which convene in a General People's Congress. This is absolutely the only form of genuine democratic society. 

Part Two of The Green Book contains it in the introduction:

The Economic Basis of the Third Universal Theory

and again in the section "Domestic Servants":

The Third Universal Theory heralds emancipation from the fetters of injustice, despotism, exploitation, and economic and political hegemony, for the purpose of establishing a society of all the people where all are free and share equally in authority, wealth and arms. Freedom will then triumph definitively and universally. 

The next mention of the Third Universal Theory is in the title of Part Three of The Green Book:

The Social Basis of the Third Universal Theory


The struggle for authority happens within the group itself down to the level of the family, as was explained in Part 1 of THE GREEN BOOK: The Political Axis of the Third Universal Theory.

which puts the Third Universal Theory into the title of Part One although not actually written into the title of Part One, attributing the "Solution to the Problem of Democracy" (The Green Book, Part One) again to the Third Universal Theory.

Again in Part Three in the Section on The Nation:

But why has the map of the earth witnessed great nations that have disappeared to give way to the rise of other nations? Is the reason only political, without any relationship to the social aspect of The Third Universal Theory? Or, is it social and so properly the concern of this part of THE GREEN BOOK?

Next mention is in the section on Minorities:

What is a minority? What are its rights and responsibilities? How can the problem of minorities be solved according to the solution to various human problems presented by The Third Universal Theory? 

Here, the Third Universal Theory is clearly mentioned again in relation to the solution of problems, which is the purpose persisting throughout The Green Book. The Third Universal Theory is above presented as "the solution to various human problems".

This is the 8th and final mention of the "Third Universal Theory" as mentioned in The Green Book.


At this point, let us be clear about the translation of " النظرية الثالثة العالمية " since The Green Book was first written in Arabic: it is not, as the disinformation peddlers such as "Wikipedia" claim the "Third International Theory". The Arabic word for "international" is completely different: "dawliya" not "aalamiyya". Nor is it the "Third World Theory" as was also mistranslated in attempt to make it a theory only for the "Third World".

While on the subject of the widespread disinformation and censorship of the enlightened "West" with its long history of book-burning and ongoing:

From way back to the burning of the African universities hundreds of years ago such as in Timbuktu, through to the burning in Moscow of the many donated copies of The Green Book in Russian language by the Soviet regime, to the recent bombing and destruction of the academic World Center for the Studies and Research of The Green Book in Tripoli, Libya as one of the first targets of NATO, when not even a single protest note was sent from any university authorities throughout the Western world.

History is testimony to the barbarian and hypocritical nature of the "dictatorial governments" from which the world suffers until today, and their acts of book burning and culture destroying. Evidently those feel threatened by any theory that contradicts their narrative, especially the Third Universal Theory, as we saw before above, in the very first mention of The Third Universal Theory in The Green Book - Part One:

We can therefore clearly conclude that the governments that have attacked world academic institutions such as ours are "dictatorial governments" and that now "all that is left before the masses now is the struggle to eliminate all prevailing forms of dictatorial governments".

This is precisely why these dictatorial governments see themselves as threatened in their dictatorship by the freedom of the masses and why the Third Universal Theory is worthy of examination as "the solution to various human problems".

The Third Universal Theory was mentioned with the publication of The Green Book in the "pre-Internet days" when people still read books, and was heavily censored by those "enlightened societies of academic freedom, democracy and human rights", whether Europe, North America or Australia:

  • The Green Book was not stocked in libraries even those that offer research books on political, economic and social theory and even though donated to them free of charge, and even though containing no calls for violence or any inaccuracies

Making it difficult to obtain pre and post internet, preventing its dissemination and study, destroying the institute that published it and organised many world symposia around the Third Universal Theory, these dictatorial governments and their many tools from "academia" to "media" to "science" had to resort to framing the potential readers mind to pollute it ahead of any objective analysis.

If intellectuals and freedom strugglers and the oppressed seeking a way to liberation were not discouraged by the continuous onslaught of negative propaganda maligning its author, and his being an "African, Arab and Muslim" all of which groups also received virulent disinformation through the film, media and political industry, then additional maligning of The Green Book included false assertions such as:

  • That it was an attempt to copy, emulate, or improve upon, or motivated by Mao Tse Tung's "Little Red Book". There is no evidence of this, and for those who know both books, this is absurd. The Green Book was written precisely because the world was still seeking answers to crucial problems which no other theory had solved
  • That The Green Book was compulsory reading or imposed upon the people of Libya where its author initiated the revolution in 1969 overthrowing the corrupt monarchy which represented foreign interests
  • That the Libyan Revolution guided by The Green Book had not installed a "Jamahiriya", the self-governing society of free people based on direct participatory democracy, but instead was governed by a ruthless dictator
  • That participation in the People's Conferences, the foundation of power in the Jamahiriya, was compulsory or not open to all without discrimination
  • That The Green Book was "unislamic" or "against Islam" or "an attempt to rewrite the Qur'an" (another absurd concept if anyone compares the style and content of the Qur'an as the Word of Allah to The Green Book) in order to discourage Muslims throughout the world from reading it and benefiting from its solutions
  • That for non-Muslims, on the other hand, The Green Book would be painted as something for Muslims only or at least written by a Muslim and therefore incapable of offering solutions to non-Muslims, non-Africans or non-Arabs

Countless other falsehoods and half-truths were concocted and combined to prevent people around the world from looking into the Third Universal Theory as "the solution to various human problems".

Ultimately the enemies of freedom gathered more than 40 dictatorial governments in the world including the so-called "western democracies" into a military force which had to bomb the country of Libya from the air for almost a year without cessation, destroying the exemplary achievements of the free people of the Libyan Jamahiriya.

These efforts were largely successful and have resulted in the world we have today where people remain devoid of any philosophy offering real solutions and ignorant of the keys to power that would set them free.

The lack of care by citizens of the "western democracies" about why Libya was attacked and why the Jamahiriya was destroyed by the forces of state terrorism has, in an example of Karma or Divine Justice, rendered those same people ignorant today of the solutions to their own problems, for which they now suffer, powerless.

The position of The Green Book and its purpose

As astute readers will have noticed up to this point, the Third Universal Theory is mentioned in The Green Book as heralding "emancipation from the fetters of injustice, despotism, exploitation, and economic and political hegemony, for the purpose of establishing a society of all the people where all are free and share equally in authority, wealth and arms. Freedom will then triumph definitively and universally."

Freedom is thus the threat permeating The Green Book as well as justice and truth.

The Green Book is also clearly not the entire Third Universal Theory itself and to illustrate this point it would be useful to refer to various analogies that the author of The Green Book gave about this himself:

  • He stated that just as the farmer who picked fruits from the trees and put them into a basket, he has not created something new, but simply discovered some already existing truth and put it into The Green Book to make is easy to find the solutions.
  • On another occasion he stated that just as humanity had become locked into a cave for many generations and forgotten what the sunlight looked like, he found the keys to the door on the rusty floor and presented it so people can free themselves.

These analogies alone make it clear that the author of The Green Book, although his name is on the cover as Mu'ammar al-Qathafi, is not the creator of the Third Universal Theory but that is already existed without being named as such. Moreover he also said that The Green Book is the product of the struggles of humanity for freedom through the ages and is the property of all mankind.

During periods when he withdrew to his original nomadic life in the desert he contemplated the existing faulty ideologies and failures of previous attempts to solve the problem of democracy. Having seized power in 1969 he was seeking a way to empower the people as a whole, not just a section or group of them, and this was indeed one of the motivation for seizing power from the dictatorial government.

It was during that time, while seeking those solutions, that he wrote The Green Book to make it simple and easy to read by anyone wanting freedom as also mentioned in detail in the above quote from The Green Book. It is indeed a book that anyone can read, not requiring any high level of education.

It speaks to the oppressed and the needy, whilst the intellectuals and (mis)educated often disregard its solutions as "too simplistic", "naive", or "unreferenced", merely as they approached it with preconceptions and prejudice, already formed and often deeply held erroneous views, or not matching with their own adopted "ideology".

The Green Book in its original publication had a green died leather bound cover with gold embossed lettering, a very classy and expensive product, yet was distributed free of charge in any number of copies that anyone anywhere wanted. The author did not profit a single cent from it, as this was not his objective, as is clear from this analysis.

The author as an observant and sensitive humane being to the plight of his people and even that of humanity as a whole, was still a mortal and did not claim to be infallible.

The author presented The Green Book also for discussion and development, in particular referring to the Third Universal Theory as not the property of any one person, nor of the author of The Green Book. We can draw the conclusion that the Third Universal Theory is the truth by which we can solve crucial problems.

We may each know a part of the truth and agree with it here or there or dispute it. For this purpose of study and analysis, the World Center for Studies and Research of The Green Book was instituted and published many papers, books and commentaries on The Green Book and its postulates in the Third Universal Theory.

As the property of all mankind, without any copyright, private, individual or group ownership, it was thus the entire world of oppressed masses seeking freedom who were targeted with the destruction of the libraries and books of this Center when it was bombed by 40 dictatorial governments under the aegis of NATO in 2011.

What problems does the Third Universal Theory solve?

We can conclude this paper by answering the question as to which problems it solves, by urging a serious reading of The Green Book and reflection on the application of the Third Universal Theory to solving the problems facing humanity.

In doing so we see that it is held that the greatest threats to human freedom and happiness and the satisfaction of basic needs and indeed human rights and freedom in general, is from the absence of the people from exercising power itself.

Even the advanced human rights and freedoms which were proclaimed by the free people gathered in their millions in people's conferences to discuss human rights and freedom during their sessions held in 1988, resulting in the proclamation of the Great Green Charter of Human Rights, cannot be upheld if the people are not in power.

Most people in the world today awaken ever more enslaved with each passing day, due to their absence from power. Without that power to decide legislation and policies, by taking responsibility and studying the solutions to the problem of democracy presented in The Green Book, there is no ability to guarantee freedom from dictatorship.

As the author of The Green Book noted "man is born free but is in chains everywhere".

Freedom cannot be imposed, it must be embraced and struggled for: rarely is it granted willingly out of compassion or generosity by a dictatorial instrument of government.

The Green Book provides those solutions as well as how to avoid exploitation in a free happy society and also addresses the sound social basis to ensure harmony among families, tribes and nations, minorities, and the true liberation of the real Woman.

It does so from a point that may be difficult to recognise in today's fractured world where the real meanings of natural and sound relationships have been lost. Today for example the tribe is considered a backward social institution, whereas it is the natural social umbrella which offers collective protection and security to its members.

Additional subjects are covered including education, which is not neglected as a key to emancipation: for without knowledge of Truth how can anyone expect to be free?

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