Revolutionary Perspectives by Muammar Al Qadhafi

Revolutionary Perspectives by Muammar Al Qadhafi


Muammar Al Qadhafi


The great rich nations spend large sums of money to invent bombs and to create new nuclear weapons, and to nourish the projects of space invasion. Also these nations pay large sums of money on false advertisement and propaganda, and spend on projects of psychological warfare; instead of helping the people and other nations of the world who are suffering from diseases, hunger, malnutrition, and the crazy rise of prices.

Such careless nations are no doubt led by the devil itself. They follow the Theory of Malthus and not the message of the Bible.


By the grace of God we have left communism far behind us. We are much more progressive than communism, which in our opinion transformed itself into a reactionary system. The works of Lenin, Marx and Engels, are meaningless now; history has passed them by. Their authors built up theories in the 19th century. They could not possibly have foreseen then how the world would look in the year 2000. To adopt their theories would be to return to ideas quite unconnected with present-day realities. Consequently, what is needed is to bring them up to date, especially considering that they are the work of man: of man, whose capacity for thought is limited, but whose needs change, continually renewed or influenced by progress and the passage of time. If to be 'leftist' means to oppose reaction and imperialism, well then I'm on the extreme left.


One must know that there is a free nation that emancipated itself during the night of Al-Fateh/September 1969. This nation cannot accept the domination of any master. It is its own master. It decides its own destiny.

The essential function of the people's revolution is to instill a revolutionary spirit in all walks of Jamahiriyan life and to create a Jamahiriyan apparatus under the people's control... the fundamental objective of the people's revolution is to become the master of the state apparatus, control it and remodel this apparatus... to revolutionize each sector of activity from the administrative point of view, the cultural and all other points of view. Very soon the tempest of the people's revolution will cover the whole world. We are saying this based on the real evolution of events and on the material achievements realised in the name of liberty in all places by the popular masses against coercion, against inequality, and against the instruments of power.

The instruments of power are already disappearing. The governments, in the face of the progress made by the people towards capturing power, are already on the decline. 


The world has undergone fluctuations. It has taken the repugnant forms of capitalism and Marxism, but it has not changed in any way. These fluctuations have taken a repetitive character marked by perpetual new starts, step by step... Capitalism has failed in its attempt to bring happiness to humanity. Communism, which took the opposite path followed by capitalism in its attempt to save humanity, has also failed.

Finally, the Third Universal Theory has been established. It has solved the problems faced by humanity at the present time and the problems it will face in the future. 

The three sections of 'The Green Book' political, economic and social, are the fundamentals of this theory. But, it is not enough to learn these three sections to be able to fully grasp this theory... One must also read all the commentaries explaining the fundamental questions raised in 'The Green Book'.

In the age of the masses, we know full well that all the theories that have preceded the Third Universal Theory have been unable to transform the world. This is in spiteoftheir importance, inspite of the indelible marks they have left on human existence, inspite of the serious attempts made by capitalism and Marxism in the overall picture. Exploitation and inequality have persisted under the most diversified of forms.

In the Jamahiriyan school, which is the stage which comes after Marxism and the left, we are on the path to the creation of a new world. A Jamahiriyan world.


The aim of the society is to create happiness for mankind. This cannot be done without satisfying the material and the spiritual needs of the people. To succeed in this, his needs to dominate and seize what belong to others have to be overcome. Needs have to be satisfied without exploitation and enslavement by others; otherwise, it will be in contradiction with the objectives of the new society. Based on this data, we may say: 

- Housing is a necessity for man and his family. It must belong to no one but him.

- For a man an income is essential. This cannot thus, in a society, be a wage of any type, anymore than it can be a kind of charity. In a new socialist society there are no salaries, there are only associates.

- A means of transportation is also essential for an individual and his family. Therefore, it must not belong to another person.

- The land is no one's property... each person has the right to exploit it for agriculture and for cattle raising within the limits of his possibilities and his needs during his lifetime and those of his inheritors. He cannot, however, use another person, salaried or not, to work on his land. 

- Savings, that go beyond the needs of a person, can exist only at the expense of others and the wealth that belongs to society.

- Work must be guaranteed to all by the society; to those capable of working and those who need to work, man or woman. But each individual must be able to choose the work that suits him or her.

- Before the law, there is no difference between man and woman, big and small. But, there is no absolute equality either, as far as duties are concerned. 

- Considering minorities as political or economic minorities comes under the purview of dictatorship and injustice. 

All these principles are based on 'direct democracy'... This is a system of government which, once achieved, tolerates no discussion or calling into question. The people become the 'apparatus of the government'. In the age of the masses, the Jamahiriya is the corner-stone, the base, of a people's struggle which spreads to new areas everyday. One day it will encompass all the masses in their sacred march towards final emancipation.


Revolution does not just mean that an armed group seizes power. Politically speaking, it means that the masses seize power, and establish a people's government.

Revolution does not just involve throwing out foreign armies. This is an obligation that a nation must fulfill, with or without revolution.

Revolution is not the sum total of the measures taken to nationalise foreign interests in a country. These measures are only the compliment of national sovereignty. These measures must be taken even without a revolution. Admittedly, these important initiatives have only been taken under revolutionary pressure. However, these initiatives, by themselves, do not constitute revolution.

Revolution consists in the masses seizing power and in that a final and decisive solution is found to the political problem in favour of the people. 

Revolution consists in the workers taking over all the sectors of activity in their country and in their moving forward to liberate themselves from the yoke of salaries and in their breaking all the chains of bondage and domination by others.

Revolution, it is the revolution for the victory of liberty, and a genuine and decisive victory in favour of the masses... Such is revolution.


In our era, all societies consider women as merchandise, in the Orient as an article to be bought and sold, in the Occident they are not considered as females at all.

The woman is always enslaved and chained by dangerous social constraints. According to the revolutionary logic, the liberation of the woman does not consist in authorising activities reproved morally, by approving a revolt against duties towards the family, or by rejecting decency and reserve in attitude and maintenance. In so doing, we reject any ideas of superiority. Civilisation consists in putting into practice the supreme values of existence, and revolution is a manifestation of civilisation.

The woman's liberation movement is an affirmation of morality and duties towards the family. But women must be respected. Society must recognize their true value, preserve their dignity and give them the opportunity of leading a happy life. This objective cannot be achieved without rehabilitating women and recognizing their full place in the political and social life. To achieve this it is also necessary for women to develop their personality fully by their own efforts, and without seeking anyone's help or aid.

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